IEP meeting went fine. They are not at all concerned about the autism-related stuff, to the point where I think maybe we'll wait and bring it up with his pediatrician at his annual checkup, instead of right now.

He'll be doing 30 min/week of time with the SLP working on retelling/summarizing, and 4x30 min/week of special education working on social skills. Goals are to have him able to retell a story 4/5 times one year from now, and to be able to join play and/or invite others to play with him at least 3/5 times.

Right now I'm happy with the services he's getting, pending seeing how it all works for him. Obviously if he doesn't make progress, we'll have to change it up. But I feel like the people at the school are professional and really want to help him, so I am hopeful that it will all work out well.