Originally Posted by ElizabethN
He does quote movies a lot, and he watches the same TV episodes over and over again. He doesn't flap or walk on his toes. He is very constipated and has had issues with potty training, though.

Those traits do make me think that the further consultation is a good idea.

Originally Posted by ElizabethN
I'm always worried about this, because on the one hand, both kids have behaviors that I would describe as "spectrum-y," but neither of them is a classic case of autism or Asperger's.

In the autism community, people say "if you've seen one person with autism, you've seen one person with autism."

There are stereotypes of what constitutes a "classic case," but the reality is that it's more like a set of family resemblances, with no two people having the exact same presentation. In some ways my DS is very typical of "classic" Asperger's, and in other ways very atypical. (He adores travel and novelty! His verbal skills are a strength, not a weakness!) Giftedness only complicates the picture.

A good evaluator will be able to quantify the traits in the way a lay person can't. And if the child doesn't have a spectrum disorder, the information gleaned from the detailed testing can still be very useful in making an educational plan.
