My dr explained to me that my son had an area of his lung when he was small damaged by pneumonia His dx after that was RAD (reactive airway disorder) and not full blown asthma. But he has outgrown it because he has added lung mass as he has grown so the section of lung that was say 50% of his lung when he was four is now only (making these percentages up) 5% of his lungs now as a teen.

Does that make his history of asthmatic cough or wheezing any less real? It wasn't as classic a case of asthma as I have heard of and not as hard to manage. But it did exist and wasn't misdiagnosed. I sure am glad to have the nebulizer years behind us.

Sorry your asthma has been so hard on you...I can see where you would feel don't know what real asthma is, you had a walk in the park compared to real asthma.

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