Originally Posted by DeeDee
I'm definitely not saying to allow your child to be mislabeled. I would argue against that too. Just saying that the right label has uses, and there is nothing wrong with "labeling" per se if the labels are correct and used correctly.

No, I would not let them "diagnose" something that is not there; if need be bring an advocate or an outside professional to the meeting to help you make your case to the team until you are satisified that they understand what's going on.

If School Psych is concerned about behaviors she's seen in the past, but those behaviors are not there now, let her know you'd be happy to revisit the issue if those problems re-surface. There really isn't a point in taking data on something that isn't there, and any behavior analysis should be based on data.

It's really important that the IEP reflect reality to the best extent possible.


Agreed. Good advice!

I sent an email back to the psych cc'ing the principal and the new school psych (b/c both will be on the "iep team" and at the meeting and both had received a copy of the psych's iep report.) In it, I discussed the three 'recommendations' with which I have issues: (1)fleshing out the 2e aspect a bit more if possible and requesting consult with someone in the school psych dept experienced in 2e if possible; (2) stating DS isn't in private therapy for his anxiety anymore b/c he has recovered so well once away from problem assistant and since vison issue being discovered treated effectively so no need at present to for access to private therapist since he isn't even seeing private therapist; and (3) saying no need to have a behavioral specialist and/or FBA presently because past behaviors psych seen & was concerned about in the past are not there now and should not as long as iep is folllwed and therapies continue. But that I'd be happy to revisit the issue if those problems re-surface.

I thought that those were pretty reasonable. Both psychs have already emailed back and seemed receptive. Psych who wrote the report said she was glad to hear he is doing so much better and that all that I bring up in email will be incorporated into the iep mtg and final report. I take that as a good sign! I guess I took her recommnedations a bit too personally. Anyway, I won't really know until we have the meeting but I am much more at ease now and optimistic.

I think DS will have a fab year with this iep in place and followed and with his therapies helping to make him better. He is already so much noticeably better. We had a party for him today and one of his friends' mom who hasn't seen him since last year (and had commented last year how sad and anxious DS seemed and even commented back then how she felt like the school staff in general did not understand him...going so far as to "stick up for him one day" when she thought the assistant misunderstanding him) remarked on how much happier and more confident he seemed!