Originally Posted by DeeDee
I would not assume that the school psych is evil, or that there is some kind of terrible agenda at play. Sometimes that is the case, of course, but I wouldn't jump there as a first, or second, or even third option. Even though I have met people with truly bad intentions toward my kid in my travels through the educational system, I still have to be dragged to that conclusion, because most people were not deeply evil; most just didn't understand him yet.


FTR, I don't think the psych is evil at all. But I do not trust her. I do not think or trust that she truly understands my DS or what his issues and that lack of understanding could be dangerous for my child. I think she has somehting in her head and has tunnel vision with regard to that.... I could be wrong, of course, but my instincts are rarely wrong (I am very persepctive and pretty good judge of people). I am just not willing to chance it with her as I think an iaccurate lable could be pretty devastating for my guy and prevent the support and label that he really needs, ykim?

I do not think she is "evil" - I just think she is ignorant about my DS and doesn't seem to be willing to look at other angles - basically, I think she has a bias and I don't see her willing to even attempt to shed that bias. Make sense?