Originally Posted by CCN
Question: does your DS's IEP have a gifted tag? We know that straight gifted and 2e don't present the same or require exactly the same intervention, but from a funding perspective it could make a difference. Where we are a child gets ministry tagging for different pieces that are fund-able. For example, gifted is one tag and Autism is another ...so a child with Aspergers may be tagged with both. So... if he's tagged for visual impairment but not giftedness, there might not be the same funding.

Hmmm, no it does not. It does refernce his superior intelligence twice and does include his WISC IV scores. I will put this as an issue to discuss at the IEP, then?

Originally Posted by CCN
Also it's ok if you don't like the psychologist... because it's really the teacher that matters smile They're the ones that make the IEP happen as well as create the school environment (nurturing OR toxic) for the child.
Good to know. I really like his current teacher so far.