Originally Posted by marytheres
Second question! There is a recommendation that says the school wants permission to talk with DS' private therapist on an ongoing basis. Uh, really? They actually expect me to agree that? No, absolutely not. I am not giving anyone free reign to discuss DS' private medical information and treatment with DS' private therapist - what a betrayl to DS (he'd never forgive me if he found out and I wouldn't blame him) and what an intrusion on my family's and DS' privacy. If necessary, of course, I would give specific and limited permission at specific times; otherwise school goes through me. I will get relaevant info from therapist on an as needed basis (in the form of reports, letters, emails, etc) and pass along to school as I see fit and necessary (that is what I do with all of DS' medical info, isn't it? The school doesn't have permission to discuss DS with DS' vision therapist, neurologist, optometrist, etc). Okay, so sorry for my tirade, but my question is - is this a normal request of schools? Because I am bit offended by it (I know that's obvious). I guess if this is sort of 'par for the course' and pretty standard request then I will not be as offended (although I am still not agreeing to it). Furthermore, because all of DS' behaviors have resolved completely, once DS was taken out of the bad assistant's group, DS no longer gets therapy at the moment (at the suggestion of the therapist and I agreed - th eproblems are gone so no need to keep running there and paying money for therapy for behaviors that are no longer present)

I've never heard of this. I'd be leery of agreeing to it.

My son's team have never requested contact with any of his professionals outside of the school district. They've asked for whatever reports I can supply to add to his file, and that's it. I've had our private psychologist offer to come meet with the school team, but we didn't feel that the benefit would warrant the cost as the school team is already on board with everything she had recommended in her report, and are all very sensitive to DS's needs.

The team was also very sensitive about my confidentiality concerns, explaining that test results go in a confidential file (IEP's go in "public" files, as in any school staff who needs to can have access, but not test results or diagnoses specifics). The school district psychologist also explained that the child's file is the property of the parent and the school is simply the custodian of the file, which made me feel better.

I wouldn't allow school team direct access to outside people. I would stipulate that they go through you, and if necessary they can meet together but only with you present.

Last edited by CCN; 09/15/12 06:34 AM.