Originally Posted by BWBShari
My DS loved the Olympus series, loves anything Stephen Hawking and pretty much hates everything else! He thought Harry Potter was stupid and Artemus Fowle more so.

Every time I think I've found something, it's a bust! It's very frustrating as he really likes to read, but he's just to damn picky. I finally quit trying so hard and started on the classics. Surprise, he likes them, he's reading the Call of the Wild right now. He loved Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea.

We have similar pickiness here, but maybe not quite so extreme. What is the Olympus series? Is that the same as the Percy Jackson books?
If not, please let me know, ds10 loves anything greek-myth oriented!
Also just curious what Stephen Hawking is good for that age...ds loved the secret key books but I was not sure what else might be appealing from Hawking. (at this age)

This one sounds great Minnie, I will check it out for ds...'bookweird', thanks for posting about it!

Last edited by chris1234; 02/13/11 03:32 AM.