Originally Posted by Kriston
LOL about the editing. smile BTDT...

That very article is one of the things that made me think APD, actually. I've been noticing weird--glitches? I guess?--in his vocab for a few months now. Several times a day, he's been asking me for definitions of words that I use a lot. Not the $2 words that he wouldn't know--those he doesn't ask about. He picks out the pretty common ones, the 3rd or 4th toughest word in the sentence, you know? And his speech seems simpler than it should. He has some mild trouble picking the right word. It's not outrageous, but it's weird enough that I noticed it and have been keeping an eye on it. Both vocab issues have been bothering me for a while.

Then I read this article this week, and a lot of things he's doing look like APD: he doesn't take oral instructions well AT ALL (gets confused, stressed, lost, etc.), when he's given multiple instructions in sequence he loses the last one(s), he mishears words a lot, etc. And, of course, he's not yet reading well, even though is a chatty, extroverted kid. Which may be his normal...or he may be struggling. His hearing tests--the ones that test with tones--are normal.

I worry that I'm just highly suggestible. But I also worry that I'm not. frown

That "something not quite right" feeling is really strong.

So comprehensive testing? That's the next step to try to ID LDs/2E issues? What constitutes comprehensive testing? Which tests should we be looking for? More than IQ and achievment testing?

APD - I have been wondering about that for a while, ds9 is still a guy who will say things like 'I won to her', instead of 'I beat her' at that game...odd things like that, but I have gotten no traction with the neuropsych, the school, the school psychologist or the audiologist/ent folks. So for ds9 I have to assume it is *not*, but it sure is ODD. The psychologist thought he was just wired differently. whistle

For tests we did have iq and achievement in this big battery, some add/adhd stuff because for us that was a question, but there were tests of
'executive function'
some attention paid to auditory issues,
hand eye coordination
dr's behavioral observations
mood screening
and so on.... Basically the neuropsychologist didn't say 'here is a list of tests, please pick' (so don't feel like you have to know it all, I tend to feel that way!), he had 2 types of testing - basic 'how smart is my kid' testing and this other level.

Our dr chatted with me for about 45 minutes on the phone and again for about 2 hours in person about ds (me and dh) and described the testing he recommended - sounds like you have someone already in mind, so that is some of the work out of the way. But I would think if some of these broad areas such as add are not a concern some of what we did wouldn't be needed, right? (makes sense to me) anyway, again, best of luck - this is a tough row to hoe but you will get to the end of it!

Last edited by chris1234; 04/28/10 11:59 AM.