Hi Kriston, as the rest have pointed out, you can have a host of issues. I have a feeling my son's IQ score on the WISC was so high because the tester split it into 2 sessions and while the test time taken at each session was 30-35mins, he took quite a few toilet and snack breaks! But he has issues with achievement. All tests are snapshots only (mine seems to have performed well on 1 achievement test and then bombed the second one 9mths later. Unfortunately the gifted board only wants to consider the latest one).

My son has visual issues, mild SID, weak gross and fine motor skills, and mild ADHD. Talk about a bowl of walking alphabet soup! He's been proclaimed "cured" of his convergence/vision issues although we still have some remanant exercises to do.

The full neuropsych evaluation that we started but never finished is called the NEPSY II. It can be customised to be shorter and more targetted. Not sure if this is the one used over on your end.

Good luck!