Kriston, I'm right there in the trenches with you as well.

I've long suspected possible dyslexia issues and/or CAPD issues for DS11. We do think he has ADHD-inattentive type and are medicating for that, but we're still not entirely convinced. He has a long history of ear infections and has specifically mentioned that all the sounds in the classroom are at the same level and that that makes it hard to concentrate. He also seems to have problems pulling words from his head when he's speaking. I thought the part of the Rosie article about hearing similar words the same way was interesting and I'm going to ask DS about this. When he was a baby he would leave off consonants entirely and I always had the feeling that he didn't really hear the consonants eventhough his hearing tests came back normal. (He only started using consonants at about age 2.5 when he started watching Between the Lions with it's emphasis on phonics.) We had the visual convergence and tracking issues as well and did vision therapy, which helped some but didn't take care of everything. And so, we too, are left with the feeling of something still being wonky. But we also still wonder if we're making a big deal out of nothing since his grades are good (not great, but good) and wonder if our perspective is just a bit skewed by our own giftedness experiences and those of our other kids. If he's ND, great! But if he has some LD's we don't want to ignore it.

This thread has been really helpful to me! So, thanks for starting it!

She thought she could, so she did.