No Peripheral APD? LOL! Makes sense. smile

Here's how messed up I am: I read the Eide book a year ago and I was more lost after than I was before. Nothing jumped out, but I saw lots of symptoms of lots of things. For a good long while after that, I convinced myself that he was just a bright kid and I was crazy, looking for trouble--both in GTness that he didn't have and LDs he didn't have.

Then he did more out-there math and picked up chess like it was nothing, beating his dad, and my mom-gut started in on me again that something just didn't make sense.

I think he's VERY visual-spatial, so I suspect that might be clouding the issue. If he's VS and has visual issues so that he can't see things well, that might explain a lot. If he has some form of APD, too, well, that could cover pretty much everything I see.

But that's a lot. I worry that I'm hearing hoofbeats and thinking zebra instead of horse.

Augh! My brain hurts...
