Originally Posted by Kriston
Originally Posted by chris1234
Kriston, I can recommend the full 'psychoeducational' assessment sort of route which we went with ds to determine what, if any, lds he had going on. This was close to $3000 but about 1/2 was paid by insurance as we were not just seeking iq/achievement info but help diagnosing an ld.
I think our dr was extremely thorough and did a good job pinpointing, as much as possible in this day and age, what is up with ds and, more to the point, what he needed in terms of therapy.

Best of luck getting this figured out~

Thanks, Chris. I'll take that under advisement. It really helped you?

The insurance note is helpful. I don't think our usual psychologist accepts insurance, but I'll be sure to ask. That might make a difference.

Lol! Yeah, it did help wink
Ds9 was diagnosed mainly with depression, but also anxiety (mostly about school and social issues) and also an actual but 'non defined' ld that shows primarily in sometimes excruciatingly slow processing speed. In the end I can't say it was 'incredibly conclusive' but did point us in the right direction with definite goals and he is much happier, even doing a bit better academically though he was always doing well there.
One extremely low cogat score is what finally threw us over the fence to just 'go for it' rather than continue to wonder about the timed math fact sheets etc -- I didn't want to wait too long and do more 'damage'.
Don't feel paranoid, in the end you probably do know your own kid! Turns out we knew something was up, just didn't know what or how to help.

We did have to pay up-front but then got reimbursed, miraculously, by ins. company...