You're right on time, hkc. smile Thanks for joining the conversation.

I have wondered/worried about dyslexia for DS5, which is why we went to the developmental optometrist in the first place. But I worry about going to a specialist in one thing when he may have something else completely, or he may have an "alphabet soup" of stuff that we're not seeing, or he may just be a late-bloomer and not need treatment.

This is why I was hoping there was a one-stop shop where they would look at the whole kid and suggest the specialists required from there. This shop doesn't have to *treat* all the problems that a kid might have, but it would be nice if they could at least tentatively ID them, much as you'd see your family doctor if you had some general, vague, and varied symptoms. You wouldn't just go off and find a specialist for each individual symptom. I don't really want to see specialists for APD, dyslexia/vision issues, gifted testing, and maybe a neuropsych for good measure separately, when one or two or even *none* of those issues may really be DS5's issues.

Does that make sense?

Does this sort of place exist? Or is it all piecemeal?

I'm with you, Dottie, that I worry about getting the current "hot" diagnosis. I don't really like that approach. I feel like a place that sees the whole child is less likely to grab at what's popular in one field right then.
