Kriston, I am joining the party late but I am with you 100% on my DS7. We went the physical/occupational therapy evaluation route first. VERY helpful information. We also went to a behavioral optometrist who diagnosed DS7 with convergence insufficiency and tracking issues. Here's the catch-they very much look like dyslexia. So we went to a neurologist to confirm any of these diagnoses and he said DS7 has low muscle tone (contributes to all of the above). So we work on PT exercises at home but on an any given day one of the above 'symptoms' might rear their ugly head and DS looks ADHD. I guess around the age of 10 the nerves will be fully developed and some of this might get better but we have been working on coping strategies (IOW-treating the symptoms or heading them off). DS is highly VS but does not do achievement testing well at all!

So long story short, you could very well have several issues going on and several 'symptoms' mimic different diagnoses. I feel for you but several of us are in the trenches with you so you're not alone!!!