Thanks for chiming in, guys. I appreciate the help!

Dottie: I'm jumping the gun a bit, which is why I didn't post scores. I have not yet seen the scores. The GT coordinator just called me quickly, so I have literally 3 numbers, one of which is the CoGAT score (which I frankly consider to be useless). I'm not even positive what they used for the achievement test. When DS8 was tested 3 years ago, it was the WJ-III, but I don't know if that's true anymore, and she just told me percentiles--no real data. None of it is at all useful yet, except to say that his reading score was higher than his math. That's clearly nonsense!

I'm not hung up on these scores, and I'm definitely not upset or anything. If he really were bright-to-MG, I would be ECSTATIC! But I don't think that fits. It just doesn't ring true. Something is wonky.

I suspect--and I have no real evidence for this other than my knowledge of my child--that in math he said that he can't do subtraction, so she stopped testing. Well, he CAN do subtraction, but it's not as breezy for him as, um, multiplication or adding fractions! Doh! So I'm betting the tester quit too soon. *sigh* But if that's the case I don't know if I'll be able to see it. This was the free testing done by the school. We don't get much of a paper trail... frown

I just feel very strongly that that this is further evidence that something isn't right here, you know? Now I need to figure out my next step.

I would love to treat the symptoms. I think that's great advice. But they're so nebulous, so vague. I feel like I see everything through half-closed eyes. What's normal? What's goofy, but not a real problem? What's a bonafide symptom? Where's the line between a bright kid and an HG+ one that has serious problems keeping him from succeeding as he could?

I have no idea right now.

BTW: It's APD? Not CAPD? See, I don't even know the current terminology! Gah!
