Well so far they have only done achievement (WJIII) and I was present during testing. THAT was an eye opener. We still have a few more test for that since 45 minutes was the max she would/could cooperate.

1) She does not want to do it and gives up on items I know she knows.

2) She totally failed a section where you had to repeat an oral story. She said she couldn't remember even the simplest story. (I have been suspecting APD, is this a sign?)

3) She doesn't listen to directions and squirmed in her seat and avoided looking at the tester. (note: She is not shy and LIKES the teacher doing the testing)

4) She was really great at a section on pictures - and it seemed her visual skills overrode her poor listening/AP issues quite a bit - perhaps having the picture helped her visualize the directions e.g. First point to the biggest bear and then the bird in the tree but not if there is a rabbit near the picnic table etc.

All of it made me feel like there is more going on than I even suspected.

Keep me updated as well. Nice to have company along with the mystery. :-)
