Yes I was. In high school I knew how to "ace" a test without throwing off the almighty bell curve. I also knew how to "skip" without getting caught and avoid the "nerd" term. Yes I was smart and beat the whole system. I am determined to give my kids a better chance.

When I was in middle school we lived in Germany where they noticed me and my potential. I was hand selected to go on to advanced math and science. A move back to the states had the German school board calling my parents and sending several visitors to try and talk my parents into letting me stay. My parents refused for their own selfish reasons and hence the above paragraph about my high school experience in the states.

I do plan on not letting that happen to my kiddos. smile My DH's brilliance is under radar. He refuses to believe he is as gifted as he is. His spatial reasoning abilities blow me away. He was a C/D student throughout school until college where he decided to get A's.