Originally Posted by san54
But that's because I'm an artist, not gifted. I found it pretty daunting to have a kid with one of 153 and argued like a trial lawyer at 6.

Artists are gifted! You're probably a right-brainer - what an interesting family dynamic you must have with your little left-brained trial lawyer!

I was a "smart kid" too, (and an artist) and grew up hearing that. I was also ultra responsible and big for my age, so I was used to people thinking I was much older than I really was. My mother says I stopped napping at age 3, and I talked early and NONSTOP. I rewrote the lyrics to Beethoven's 9th as soon as I could write, and read Watership Down in second grade. I'm not sure when I learned to read because back then we didn't have to know anything when we started kindergarten.

Of course I also had a terrible lisp until 6th grade, rocked until I was 12, wore braces on my feet as a toddler, and had to have a hearing test in 4th grade for attention problems, LOL!