Originally Posted by Cathy A
Originally Posted by chris1234
I do recall friends in school...

I didn't have friends until I was in 8th grade. I truly felt like an alien, especially in grade school. Some teachers seemed to like me, but others didn't want anything to do with me. I was very quiet and sensitive. I spent most recesses in the library or hiding behind the school. I was tested in grade school--I don't know what test it was, but according to my mom, my IQ was over 150. The school called her into the office and told her how unusual that was and that I was extremely bright. They offered nothing though, in terms of accelerating me, because of my social difficulties. My parents wanted to do the right thing for me, so they took the advice of the school experts. Maybe it was the best option they had. I have wondered if I had(have?) AS, or if I simply couldn't relate to other kids.

My early years in school were very painful for me, and I would like to spare my kids from that. Fortunately, they seem far more adept at navigating social situations than I was at that age. I was literally afraid of other kids because they seemed completely unpredictable to me. I remember dreading my birthday because my mom would always ask me which "friends" I would invite to my party. The last thing I wanted was a party crazy

LOL! are we like twins or somethin'?

except for the 150 iq part.....................depending on the school year, and the brand of iq test they gave me.

they would tell my parents one year that i was a genus, the next the SAME administator would tell them that they were very sorry but................ "she's mentally retarded." {instert dramatic pause and hand touch}
At one point they said I had autism and should be instatutionilized, for my own good (With a side order of sterization! yeh!) This is why I have little faith in the educational system and in iq tests in general.

In my way of thinking, (I had to invent my own because I just didn't seem to understand anyone elses) There are those who are conformers by nature, those who conform because they can, and then the rest who are out in left field picking dandelions and noticing the beautiful strangeness of the universe.