Yes, I was a "smart kid" -- both me and my big sister were. We both were very early readers, both skipped second grade, both went to big name schools. Our IQs are within 2 points of each other (upper MG range). So not crazy smart, but smart.

The big difference between us was that she cared about school. smile Not that I didn't care, but I wasn't at all motivated to get that A - I was perfectly happy with a slackily earned B, so I didn't do homework, didn't study, got my B and was happy with it.

She was a "high achiever" who really did want to do well in school, studied, etc. She graduated valedictorian at our private high school, went to an Ivy league school, and just graduated with her Ph.D after doing her grad school work in Germany.

I graduated high school with a respectable 3.4, went to a pretty big-name state school, and am now an RN. Not as glamorous, just a different road. But I lament that I could have done better had I applied myself. smirk

My father is definitely GT. I don't think my mom is.
