Everyone else says I am smart.
I have them all fooled. LOL
I did however have a friends of the library award from middle school. I think they made that one up just for me.
A lot of what Cathy A said could have been me. I still do many things on auto pilot.

The reason I think I am not smart, is when I meet people that are smart, I feel somewhat dumb. At my sons school the parents are smart, they remeber everyones name, the kids remember everyones names, and I think, hey, that person looks familer.

I can't spell, I use bad (poor) grammer. Math was always week, and I have no long term memory. I can barley remeber any ES. But I moved almost every year. I think 5 ES 1 MS, 2 HS. I was tested once in ES and was going to be placed into a special school, or so I have been told. My mothre said that they gave the test to me two years early, and that they wanted me to be older. I have no memory of this, but I think we moved. My GPA was poor, only when I apply myself I do well (Imagin that).
DW is bright, got along wel, and has friends from ES. She remebers all their names, address, phone numbers. She did well in school.
She thinks I am smarter then she is. I have her fooled too.

Our DS6 seems to be a nice blend of both of us.
I really have enjoyed this thread, I see many of us trying to avoid some of the pain we experance as children for our children. Somtimes I wonder if the fire needs to be hot to make the metal.

Last edited by Edwin; 10/13/08 10:27 AM.