Originally Posted by Kriston
Thus the matter-of-fact tone I try to take with my boys. "Yes, kids, you are really smart. So what? What are you going to do with what you were fortunate enough to get naturally?" I expect them to challenge themselves and do the best they can do (within reason, so as to try to avoid unhealthy perfectionism), and that's what I applaud them for. I applaud when they try something that's hard for them and persevere to the end. I applaud when they use what they've got. I applaud when they solve problems and behave helpfully and act with kindness toward others because these are *choices* that they make, these are things they can *control*.

Totally agree. This is exactly how we try to approach it too. And I grew up in a family that very much just wanted me to act and be normal. I think the kudos come later when and if they go on do great things with those brains. And I do think it's sad that the math team doesn't get as much attention as the football team. But I'm glad there are things out there like chess clubs and math teams even if they aren't as main stream and identifiable as sports. We live in an area that does have a high enough GT population to make these kind of things somewhat more common. High achieving high schoolers are regularly objects of recognition locally.