We were watching something today that stated someone's IQ and it started DS10 asking questions. First, he wanted to know if the IQ on the show was "a good one" wink. Then he started asking about his IQ. In trying to be evasive and answering questions with questions, I now know that he's figured out that he's been tested and when. Not that it was any big secret or anything, but at the time we just explained that the tests would help us determine how to make school better for him and didn't go into detail about them being IQ/achievement tests.

I'm hoping that my "I'm not sure off the top of my head, I'd have to look it up" reply will buy some time so maybe he'll forget about it, however, I suspect it'll come up again at some point.

So, I'm curious about how others have handled it when the DC want to know what the actual number is...