Originally Posted by Dottie
P.S...I also want to clarify that I didn't share exact SAT scores with my girls either....only that their grand totals were the same. They have no context yet for the actual numbers (or at least they didn't in 7th grade...DD15 of course does at this point).

I think the important thing here is the context. If your child has the context to understand the score and not lay too much significance to the particular number, I think it's fine to tell them if they are interested.

This is coming from someone who has no IQ scores and is too cheap to get them for her kids as well. grin I have plenty of data now for my oldest (DS9) pointing to above that 3rd SD though in a few venues. He hasn't asked for particular data, so I haven't given it. I file all the data, so maybe someday he'll be interested in looking at it.