Originally Posted by Kriston
Also, just wandering around the library and seeing what books interest him. Really, take a LOT of time and browse the shelves. Look at/check out everything that he expresses an interest in. Pursue whatever he wants to take further.

Also, just ask, "What would you like to learn about?" You might be surprised how many big ideas come out of him!
I think I'm looking at things from the beginning and not toward the end of the transitional period. In doing that, I foresee interest in everything but those things having to do with school, homework, or education. Does that make sense? I think I need to change my frame of reference to get a clearer picture of how it would work.

Originally Posted by Kriston
TV and videogames are off limits during school hours unless they are educational (and even then, I limit them for behavioral reasons--my kids get cranky with too much media time!). Legos are also out unless he has a specific plan for how to use them educationally and I approve it. (Again, my non-unschooling colors shine through!) But if I didn't make these rules, nothing much else would get done. Most homeschoolers that I know of--even unschoolers--have some rules like this. That's one of he reasons kids who spend all day watching cartoons worry me. That's not the norm for 99% of the homeschoolers out there.
And that's what I have in mind for our days, as well. But it seemed...contradictory? to some of what I've understood "unschooling" to be. Now that I'm gaining a better understanding, it makes more sense.

Our plan is for him to decompress and just relax over the summer, which, I hope, would take care of all of this anyway. We do much better with structure and schedule, so certain hours are dedicated to school time and DS is already aware of this - although, he did think that it'd be great to watch TV while he was in school, LOL! That's a definite no-go!