Originally Posted by Kriston
Yeah, like I said, many definitions. The definition that kimck and I are discussing there came from someone who calls herself an unschooler. So is she wrong and she isn't an unschooler? Are you wrong? I'd argue you're both right and just coming at it differently. <shrug again> Her model will work for some people, yours for others. No wrong, just different.

I probably should call what I am describing "radical unschooling." But then again, there are those to whom "radical unschooling" means consensual living, and I'm not talking about that at all. It is certainly true that people use the term "unschooling" to mean all kinds of things.

But I do take issue with other people's definitions of unschooling, because it BUGS me when people say, "Oh, unschooling parents are so obnoxious--always interrupting their child's play to point out academic facts." To me, that is the antithesis of unschooling, though I can see how someone might call it that. Maybe I'll start calling that method helicopter unschooling and just say that I'm more of a lazy-day-at-the-beach unschooler. grin

Just to be clear, what I'm not doing is judging other people for their methods. As I said earlier, unschooling seems right for us (right now, anyway), but I've got no reason to believe that it's right for everyone all of the time.