Renie -
Has your child been evaluated for possible sensory processing disorders? One of the things that tipped me off to my daughter having some sensory issues is the fact that she got carsick quite frequently. This is a problem in the vestibular sense. A lot of behavioral problems can be "caused" by untreated sensory over-sensitivities (particularly in the vestibular sense). Also, reactive hypoglycemia (seen in 5-7% of gifted kids)causes extreme "irrationality" for lack of a better term, in otherwise "good" kids. My daughter would go from Dr. Jekyll to Ms. Hyde when her blood sugar was low. She would change back with a protein-rich snack.
Please if you haven't looked into it, please read James T. Webbs Mis-diagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children and Adults.
you know, my DD gets carsick and throws up (almost) every time that we travel by car. She has visual issues (lack of convergence and poor accommodation) so maybe she has as well some vestibular ones. Another thing is that she too changes completely when her sugar level is low - or rather when she has not eaten for a few hours. As a baby she never let more that 1.5 to 2 hours without asking for being breast-fed. Even as an 'older' baby (6+ months) she would snack the whole day (and night, I am thankful that we co-slept).
I have my own meltdowns as well, and in fact if I get too hungry you better run away from me.
All three os us, DD DS and me are very intense, DD is very very sensitive, often reacts quite negatively yo praise (and so do I actually) and right now she is not happy at all at school. DS is mega stubborn (or persistent in a nice way), together with an uncanny ability to climb everywhere plus an insatiable curiosity, especially about things he should not touch.
I need holidays or a majordomo