hey grinity..
we must have been writing at the same time!! i read the basic "transforming the difficult child" book and bought the video of the 6 hour seminar. I am definitely thinking about what you are saying, though i can't respond in detail yet until i read a bit of the Explosive Child, but i think NH is definitely a home ron for DD5.

One of my favorite parts of Nurtured Heart was it finally explained what to do when she did not accept praise, and argued that she didn't derseve it. So now i just notice and notice things and its a different story. However, i am just so in need of a therapist to guide me. I feel very alone in it. On the positve side , the therapist i saw today is not JUST doing Explosive Child. HE seemed to really like what i'd been reading in NH and encouraged me.. seems he wants to put together a plan that will work for everyone in teh family. we really need it. In the meantime i 'm going to try a little harder to find a NH therapist (i'm in long island , ny) if anyone out there knows of one.

