hey all
i wanted to give a quick update. There have been huge changes around my house. After pouring through both of these books (explosive child and nurtured hard approach) i basically just started "doing it all" and i now can't wait for them to get home from school so i can experience this new place we are in. I started the basics of Nurtured Heart (active noticing & calm, low-energy negative interaactions) about 10 days ago and started Collaborative Problem Solving from Explosive Child on Monday. As expected, my son has the issues that can be worked on with CPS and my daugter fits NCA. But they both get some overlap, definitely.. I defintiely do need guidance with some parts and so am not totally there yet but i wanted to let everyone know that it is possible to see change quickly. i avoided these types of books for so long,, i am mad at myself about that!!
