Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
a review that won't seem like review.
That is the name of the game for these little gifties!

LOL - You are correct, the stereotype that
"All gifted children just need to hear something once to have it forever" is just another myth.

My son is learning French, and you had better believe that he has to review vocabulary a few times to get it into his head! Of course, for him, 5 minutes of studing feels like an eternity. So we break it up into 4 session, 5 to 15 minutes each. Then he seems exhausted. Well, doesn't he have a right to? If he learns as much in 10 minutes as a ND kid learns in 50 minutes, doesn't it make sense that he is as drained and worn out as a kid who has been studing for 50 minutes? All my DH can see is that he 'only' put in 10 minutes, and wouldn't he be amazing if he could work like that for 50 minutes? LOL! Wouldn't we all?

DS is also convinsed that he is working harder than all the other kids. I have no explaination for this one, except that after years and years of 'learning without effort' that it takes years and years to get used to being smart but 'it does take effort.'

Yum, Yum those compliments. I was an underappreciated weirdo for so many many of those formative years. (And for such a large proportion of my current life, as well) Who knew that that ugly duckling was in fact a swan?!?

Love and More Love,

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