Originally Posted by Dandy
We're really hesitant about these options, as he has a keen sense of "time for this & time for that" and doesn't like it when the "extra" school work infringes on "his" time. This is why I am so adamant about finessing a solution within the school day. I want him to have all that tree-climbing & bike-riding time -- you know, be a kid, too.

It would really suck to spend a full day behaving & getting work done in school... just to come home and be greeted with MORE work at home.

We have the same thought regarding this. There's just no way that DS is going to have any desire to do more work after school. I can only imagine - DS hates to do homework that's required by the teacher, he's certainly not going to look forward to anything additional, especially if it's imposed by me. I can hear it now "But MOOOOOOM! I already spent all day in school and you want me to do more work. It's NOT FAIR!!!", and so on until I begin plucking the hairs out of my head one by one, because that's nowhere near as painful as doing additional homework....