Grinity - I definitely agree with you. As school became worse for DS, he became worse at home. NOW - he was seemingly perfectly fine at school. Teachers never noticed anything. He sat their quietly, did what he was told for the most part with a few reminders to stay on task but NEVER any problems and never had his card flipped from green in 3years. But his behaviour deteriorated at home. The dr said to watch and see what happens over the summer and nice wonderful boy returned. We still had issues but nothing like when he was in school. I often thought about it and my best guess was that he was so fed up doing what he was told and doing what he didn't want to do at school, he certainly wasn't going to do anything he didn't want to do at home if he gave everything he had at school and just couldn't put up w/ anything at home. He had no emotional reserve left and would blow up. I noticed the exact same thing in my Ker last year. In the space of an hour at home, he'd have 2-3 fits/blowups. He was just a ball of nerves.

the other thing I thought of while cutting the grass....w/ my 2nd DS, it seemed like he was angry at ME, presumably for forcing him to go to school. In the morning waiting for the bus, he kept his distance, was very stiff when I kissed him etc...and he's normally very affectionate towards me.

Last edited by Dazed&Confuzed; 08/21/09 07:30 AM.