Originally Posted by Mama22Gs
Anyway, I recently spoke with one of the Resource Teachers at DS's school and seemed to make some headway. First, I explained what I wrote above that I've heard from all the parents I know of gifties who exhibit their GTness at a young age. Then I told her that DS thinks that: 1) school will always be easy, and 2) he's always going to be the smartest kid in any room. I told her I know that a lot of smart kids don't show their gifts early -- that in 3rd or 4th grade there will be people at a similar level to DS (she really responded to that). I also told her that DS has started saying, "I can't do that" when presented with things that he's not certain he knows -- although when pressed, he can not only do that thing but additional similar ones that are more difficult (so ability is there, but not confidence).

I said, "DS is an academic early peaker," and she said that was a very good way to put it, and that she could see kids like that as a group that could likely benefit from the Resources Teachers' help.

Wow Mom to 2gs - very delicately put. Sounds like you've made an ally! Thanks for showing us that it can be done, and how to do it!

I pray that the resources start rolling your son's way. Sadly, my experience is that no matter how you word it, and no matter how receptive they seem, one just isn't going to get differentiation that is 'enough' if the child is more than 3 grade levels beyond the group they are with. Some kids have a lot of inner resources, so they aren't as picky about it, but I really do believe that even the stoutest-heart kid will reach their limit if left to rot too long.

Best Wishes,

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