Yeah-- this is where I caution others to not necessarily think of college as "the open savannah" for our cheetahs.

DD is finding college to be terribly difficult and not at all what she expected for several reasons:

a) There has been a distinct bait-and-switch in terms of "difficulty" at the post-secondary level-- in the very worst way for gifties, frankly-- it's shallow and miles-and-miles of VOLUME-- memorized. No questioning, no thinking, no analyzing-- just memorize.

b) Her classmates seem well-suited adapted to this set of expectations (which isn't a huge surprise to me given what I saw of secondary in this test-crazed, watered-down time)-- she is NOT because we thought it was frankly abusive to force her to spend hours and hours on "work" that added nothing more to her learning in her AP/dual enrollment coursework (which she was generally acing and then some)... we preferred that she use that unstructured time for being a child instead...

So she was promised an environment where she could really RUN, and it's proven to be the ultimate "enrichment" experience thus far. The pair of factors (and the fact that she seems to be one of the only people noticing, plus disability management in a very hostile setting for her) is driving anxiety to levels that we haven't seen since that awful, awful last year of middle school.

A word about quizlet-- it works a treat for some people. Sadly, DD isn't one of them. I'll also add that flashcards are not actually all that effective/efficient as a learning tool for a lot of students. It has to be more 'active' than that to actually work for many people. For DD, what works is hand writing the paired items, and then ORALLY working through them, timed.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.