We have always given DS Omega 3. I used to give him probiotic supplements as powders or chewies when he was a baby because of antibiotics he took for ear infections. Now that he is healthier, he gets 2 servings of probiotic yoghurt a day in addition to the milk he drinks. His breakfast is mostly multigrain toast with melons and milk or Cereal with blueberries and milk. He eats sunflower seed butter sandwiches on whole wheat (his favorite food) and cucumbers and carrots with fresh fruit and yoghurt for lunch. For snack it is a cheese, fruit, crackers combo. For dinner, it is a protein, a wholegrain (quinoa, brown rice etc) and 2 veggies. No dessert, but he can have a fruit if he wants. Occasionally he eats icecream for dessert.
We eat out twice a week and there are no restrictions on the food he eats then. Also, we attend a lot of birthday parties and his old school used to allow birthday cupcakes. The new school has a "no outside food" policy, so no cupcakes at school this year.
We did not give him sugar or sugary foods until he was 3 years old. So, he does not miss sugar and is not crazy about it and can either take it or leave it. But, his favorite food is anything tomato related and will eat anything dipped in ketchup - including steamed broccoli, asparagus etc!
I used to make smoothies regularly 2 years ago and stopped for some reason. Thanks 1111 for inspiring me again! I buy organic Kale from costco all the time. Now, I will try to freeze it to see how that works out!