My DD likes chocolate milk and coffee with half-and-half for breakfast, though she's also been known to eat a Wendy's chocolate frosty. Sometimes she also has dry cereal and craisins.

I know she eats one decent meal each day because I pack her a Bento box, and there isn't enough food in it that she can entirely avoid eating vegetables without going hungry.

Today that box contained:

a single-serve packet of hummus
2 Baby Bel cheese rounds
3 Stretch Island Fruit leather packets
a whole grain flatbread, cut into flower shapes (which are easier to dip into hummus)
a generous handful of sugar-snap peas fresh from the bag.

Last week, I neglected to send her with a lunch one day, and she wound up eating plain potato chips out of the vending machine.

We are often gone for dinner (extracurriculars) or we all eat at different times, so that tends to be whatever she ferrets out of the fridge. Or candy that she has stashed in her room. Dad is a horrible enabler there.

So yeah. I think I pretty much officially suck at this too. But I haven't killed her yet, so that's something. LOL

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.