Thank you for all the suggestions . Really appreciate it .

We did not sign the letter they sent yesterday . We thought we should ask everyone's opinion here first ( since i really don't have anybody to ask about this , don't think we have any friends who's going through the same thing like we do , so any help from you guys are highly appreciated )

But anyway we didn't sign it . We already had a paper from the psychiatrist that we took our DS to last week . She explained it in the paper itself that DS does not meet the criteria of ADHD or any mood disorder , she's just recommending DS to get IQ tested and also as far as being disrespectful , she's suggesting for a behavior therapist .

Now since the principal saw that behavior therapist word in the letter that thet psychiatrist sent , she called me and she asked if i would give her permission to have our DS evaluated by their FBA .

Like everyone here said nothing is going to change because he's still staying in the same class . Given the same thing like everyone else in the class does . Yesterday's theme of math was learning to tell time , he knew that already back from kindergarten . I showed the teacher in front of the principal too , works he's been doing , works he did last summer from multiplication , 3 digits multiplication that he learned just last week only with 2 explanations how to do it , even showed her that he's working on division , starting with fraction .. but nothing has been done .

I don't want him to be medicated , the pyschiatrist even said that she doesn't see any of those behavior .

If we ended up choosing for a home school , wouldn't that hurt his social skills even more ? Though he wouldn't be too happy with the idea , he said this himself few weeks ago " Mom , i think it's better if you homeschool me , because i can go on my own pace , i can learn more stuff , and i don't have to get in trouble all the time from school and from you too when i get home "

He used to get consequences when he gets in trouble at school , but now , me and DH are tired of giving him punishments and seeing him very unhappy , it breaks our heart seeing him like that . He was a very happy baby , happy kid .. until all of this started . Sometimes it makes me wonder .. it would have been so much easier if he's just an average kid , but then again it's not going to be him . Does any of you feel this way sometimes when things get tough ??

Thank you for listening to me venting .