Oh when he was in kindergarten , his teacher kept telling me that our son would not stop talking or moving , when it comes to floor time , he always ended up in trouble because he moved here and there , touched his friends and stuff . 1st grade , we were told that he needs to control every information that comes out from his mouth , it was a private school , and esp. during bible time , his teacher read and told half of the story , only for my son to finish the rest of the story , and again he got in trouble because of that . Teacher wanted him to keep the story to himself , and not sharing it for the classroom because it was her job to do so .

Now at 2nd grade , public school , he gets in trouble because of his talk talk talk and talk . Just like HowlerKarma mentioned , talk talk talk talk , every chance he gets , every free time he gets even though he was told to read , or write , he always wanted to talk ,tell his friends about something . Showing something to his friend .. today he got his watch taken away because he wanted to show it to his friend who sat a desk away from him . Well should have given him more task to do i guess . Just now he was telling his friend ( i was watching a friend's son ) that he doesn't learn anything from school . His friend said he loves school he learns a lot .. My son replied he doesn't learn anything new from school .. Then started throwing math question to his friend . And his friend said they haven't learned division yet .

Today he brought home a private behavior chart , it was divided by time , from talking in appropriate time , using time wisely , being respectful , and another thing . His job is to collect 24 signatures from his teacher , and today he only got 14 out of 24 . No more clip changed , but his goal is to get at least 17 signatures . This morning he was already being removed from the class because he was disruptive .

What am i supposed to do with this kid . He's def. not happy and we're not either frown