Originally Posted by Nautigal
There is an article around this site somewhere about how gifted kids are thought to have low social skills but it is actually the other way around a lot of times. That is, they expect more out of friendships and social relationships than the other kids their age are able to give. Your son tells more advanced jokes than the other kids understand, and when they don't understand, he reacts badly because he doesn't know why they are acting like that. He expects friends to behave in a certain way, and they are not old enough to do so, and he reacts badly. Schools use the social disparity as a reason why the child isn't a candidate for acceleration, but in fact it's often a reason why they SHOULD be. Getting along with older children and adults is a good sign.

As for the library book, just -- argh. How can he be in trouble for "looking at inappropriate pictures" in a school library book? All he did was use a more advanced technical term than what was expected at his age, and shocked someone. They need to get over it.

The school wants to do a behavioral consultation too .. i wonder if this is another excuse for them to say " no turns out he's not a candidate for accelaration "