Originally Posted by 2giftgirls
I am hopeful that she thinks a different school is the answer and that she is not so soured on the experience that she is begging to be homeschooled yet...

I have pulled a child out of school in the middle of the school year because "I just couldn't take it any more". I am glad we left, and don't regret it at all. That said, I do wish I had taken more time, much more time deciding where dc would be going to school NEXT.

The suspension is actually a great thing to let you readjust your sights. You'll need to stop thinking about the "old school" (which is the hardest thing in the world once you've gotten to the point where you're mad and frustrated and mama bear is ready to pounce) and start focusing on the new plan.

It sounds like you're working hard on getting the data you need so that you don't jump out of the frying pan into the fire.

Last edited by herenow; 10/27/11 04:57 AM.