Wow, while I am not surprised at this post given your previous ones on the situation, I am saddened. You want to ask what they did with other kids like your dd? I would guess the same things until their parents withdrew them or the kids became completely alienated from school. I can't believe they won't let her even try the other classroom! That is crazy. It seems that they have drawn their wagons in a circle and aren't going to budge. I think it makes total sense to move on.

AND they SUSPENDED her! That seems overly harsh. IMO they are giving you a message that they don't want her in the school. Which is weird because, from your descriptions she doesn't seem like THAT much of a problem. I wonder, perhaps if the teacher is insecure/resentful towards your dd because she knows your daughter is smarter than her. You'd like to think teachers wouldn't be that ridiculous, but there are always the bad eggs.

I don't know what the paperwork involved in signing up as a homeschooler is, but I wonder if you could just go ahead with it just to make sure your bases are covered. It sounds like your dd could use a few days of recovery anyways and maybe some time to remember that learning is fun and not forbidden! Plus, you don't want to feel rushed in choosing a new school for her.

Finally, I feel like a concern about ADHD is premature personally. As I understand it, to qualify as ADHD the behaviors have to persist for more than 6 months and in more than one setting. If the lack of attention and defiance is only at school, then that is situation specific. Also, with a gifted kid, I don't think you could really determine ADHD in the school setting until they are placed in a learning environment that approaches their intellectual level, which she clearly has not been. I think teachers/schools are overly touchy about the word "bored". I don't know how many times I have read not to use that word in discussions with them. But really, if you don't want me to say your class bores my kid, then do something to fix it! Your daughter's behaviors scream BORED to me and I am sure to them too, they just don't seem to care for some reason.

I am so sorry for you and for your dd, but you are doing the right thing. Someday she will look back on this miserable time and remember that her parents listened and stood up for her.