DS6 took the SB5 in Oct. The tester said that kids who are more verbal than visual tend to have trouble with the knowledge questions on the SB5. (Mine did, and that's how I found out that he's verbal instead of visual, despite his affinity for puzzles and mazes.)

The knowledge questions on the SB5 are apparently couched as "what's wrong/silly in this picture". It's very observational kinds of stuff in the world around you, things you'd know from experience, not so much facts per se. To make one up off the top of my head (and if this is on the test, it's purely a lucky guess!): someone drops something off a building and it "falls" up instead of down.

It doesn't really seem to me to be "knowledge" like we'd usually think of knowledge, if that helps, though I wouldn't know of a better term for it either...
