
Well, I spoke to another private school in the area (a parochial school). I was very briefly discussing DS's current situation with the administrator, and asked how her school deals with grade skipping(specifically kindergarten) or early entrance to first grade.

She then proceeded to give me a lecture on socialization, and all of the typical things that are said by many..."What will happen when he's 15 and everyone else is 16 and he's the only one not driving? You know, you have to consider this aspect, too." blahblahblahblah. I wanted to say, "you're right. This has not been any kind of agonizing decision on our end. Gosh. Socialization? Please tell me more!!We're just his parents. What do we know?" Instead, I very respectfully, and briefly, explained, with a forced smile, that DS is quite developed socially, and actually seems to prefer children a few years older with which to interact. I explained how he has been withdrawn and uninterested, and that I certainly do not have all the answers, but that I am trying to gather some information to see what our options might be. I explained that my primary concern is getting him plugged in again - interested in a lifetime of learning, and that if he was reading and writing at two, I'm not sure he would be interested in a traditional kindergarten curriculum.

So I guess we won't be pursuing that particular school. smile Even for regular enrollment.

Just venting a bit! But, WOW. There seemed to be an immediate brick wall that just magically built itself between me and this administrator when I asked that question. My favorite comment was, "You know, I've been doing this a LONG time." smile
