Trinity wrote:
"Question 1: Does his current school have an "older group?"
Question 2: Will the public school do the IQ test themselves? Would he have to enrolled in Kindy now? Would they consider that? This may not be the best answer with the current "adaptations" if the work wouldn't be at his readiness level."


Yes, his current school does have an older group. He is in a Montessori school, in a class with 3, 4, and 5 year olds. He is 4. Last year worked beautifully. Towards the end of the year, I knew he was ready for kindergarten, but the teacher clearly did not support letting him start early. This year, however, she gave him the option of joining the 5 year olds who stay after lunch for "kindergarten." She made it clear it would not "count" as kindergarten, but he could join them (along with three others his age). DS made it VERY clear on the first day that he did not want to stay in her room all day. I knew something was amiss at this point, but we decided it was back to school jitters or something mild. He simply has not been happy the whole semester in her class. The only way to join an older group would be to go over to the elementary side of the building, with the 6/7/8 year old class.(Again, it's three years in the same class. Clearly not something that will work for him.) I thought about asking, but I think it may confuse him and cause some anxiety to be going to the same building every day but suddenly to a new class with new friends. Plus, I do not think the school would be open to it if they would not even consider allowing kindergarten to happen early.

I'm not sure if the school system would pay for the testing. I know his current school will not, and he is not old enough for the public system yet. So I doubt it would even be an issue. I need to do some more research, though, on having testing covered. That would be pretty fabulous!

Thanks so much for your interest and advice!
