Wow Allison -
You have come so far so fast! Take a minute to breath here and enjoy the vista. Wow!

It sounds like you are starting to forgive the preschool teacher for her "Asberger's Comment." I wish she had found a better way to alert you to the difference between you child and many children, and the the seriousness that you need to take this difference with - but at least it happened! Someday you will look back with gratitude that "someone" smelled a rotten fish, and you child's spirit didn't just float along, rotting quietly.

Sure, go through the motions of "observing" him, at Church, and with his older friends as well....hint, hint.
I'm read that gifted children are often advanced at what they want out of friends, and dissapointed by agemates at times.

Always remember that a Level IV gifted kid is going to be about 1:100 in a group of "normal Gifted" kids (Level II, or top 3%)so that good, qualified professionals may be totally outside their area with your son. Having the PhD students do the test would probably give you a very high number but very little info to go with it. A local professional might be better, but again there is the 1:100 problem. And yes, there may be a wait.

Question 1: Does his current school have an "older group?"
Question 2: Will the public school do the IQ test themselves? Would he have to enrolled in Kindy now? Would they consider that? This may not be the best answer with the current "adaptations" if the work wouldn't be at his readiness level.
Quesetion 3: Very exciting that you plan to have him out by the end of the month. What are your plans?

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