Originally Posted by alee31
1. What are your thoughts about a 140 on the SB-V? I'd love some perspective, particularly on the 140 - 150 range. I know we hit several 19's. I don't know exactly how many, because our tester has not put together a full review. This was just a quick score at the end of the session. (By the way - an interesting note
: our tester initially said it would take about 1.5 hours to test. We ended up spending almost 5 hours over 2 days because DS kept moving up a level and having to go thrugh the subtests again. I KNOW he was tired/uninterested/bored at times. That's a long time for a four year old to sit still and test. We did have at least 3 or 4 five minute breaks each session, though.)

2.How reliable/valid do you think it is for a 4 year old?

I think his lowest score was in the "knowledge" section. Which is very interesting, I guess, and somewhat encouraging/scary depending on how you look at it. If he hit 19's on some of the test ( I believe "routing" is one of the major ones?) then one would expect the score to go up, because knowledge should increase with age. However, logical sequencing/patterning/routing should stay the same. She encouraged me to bring him back in 6 to 12 months, after we have time to exlore home schooling, and redo the SB-V.

Do you think this is a good idea? Should we go for those extra 5 points to hit the 99.9th? Especially if she is ranging him at 140 to 150? And am I even interpreting this correctly? I'm just starting to understand how one test cetainly does NOT give the big picture.Allison

My DS took about 4 hours on this test at age 10. He did it without breaks and was very tired and hungry when he was done. she said he seemed to be holding up fine, but I always wondered if he would do better if he had had a snack and a run around the building.

Routing, I think, is the first book, which tells how high to place the next round of tests. I don't think it give a score in its own right.

Knowledge is less what you learn in school and what you observe on your own. DS gave me expamples which I cannot share here, but at least some of the questions involved looking at pictures and saying what is wrong with the picture, such as basic laws of physics; they can get get pretty subtle.

I would probably choose an achievement test over a repeat of the SB5 until say he is 7 or so. That one 150 is enough to meet minimum for DYS; you don't need the FSIQ if either of the VIQ or NVIQ is >145.