Originally Posted by Trinity
1) He will score so much better when he gets to learn at his own pace for a while, any unaccomidated school would be a large waste of time, while I have heard over and over again that kids tested after years of Montessori score lower than expected on their achievment tests. This doesn't mean that they aren't learning something else that IS vitally important, just that the environment seems to depress achievement test scores.

2) You will know him more completely as a learner - know what questions to ask, know if the testing situation is accuate for him.


Thank you! This is a great point. I'm not even really sure where his abilities are at this point. I would guess he's at least reading at a 2nd grade level, but I really do not know for sure because he has been "unplugged" (or "completely unproductive" according to his teacher) for several months now. This will give us a good opportunity to figure things out a bit before testing, and to rebuild his confidence. Our little "lessons" at home have been going beautifully over the past few days. He seems interested and seems to be having a great time. Lots of smiling again.

And, yes, he will be five soon. I will have to look into the Young Scholars Program. I'm not exactly sure what that is, but sounds very interesting. smile Thanks for mentioning it.

Warm regards,