I, myself, have never been to the MDC board but sad to read all that is going on over there. Their lose is our gain: Welcome to all our new members!

This board is great and you don't get all the bickering that you would in the more generic boards, probably because this one specializes in gifted, period. But, I too, have wants and needs to reach out to the general public and have another board I use. Though I am a moderator on that board, I have mixed feeling about it because it has many groups on it including gifted but with the fact that it attracts so many types of people you don't get the deep topics that you find on this board and with that is a guarantee of some hostility of people that stumble on the gifted group. Typically they get a warning about their bashing and if it continues they get kicked from the group. It is one thing to have constructive criticism but another to be attacking someone for the idea of gifted.