Oh Grandma - I think you are right about #2. I don't think any of us want to have toxicity follow us here, but really we had the rug pulled under us and are feeling a little hurt by it. It wasn't even a major thing that triggered it. The issues were very minor and no one who questioned what was happening was rude about it. But rather than asking us not to discuss the matter amongst ourselves, they closed that forum down. It made no sense.

A similar thing happened at SENG - there was a great thing going and boom the powers that be pulled the plug (at least they gave us advance warning there so those who wanted to find a new place to go and bring their friends with could do so). Many people were displaced and the hardest thing was finding somewhere to go. I feel badly for those who only lurked and we don't know who they are so they can't be contacted to be told about this place. I emailed 15 posters about another gifted message board (for adults and children called My Gifted Life that was one that was created after SENG shut down). And that's how I found out about this forum. I imagine there were many more who lurked and I can't contact to let them know about either.

School is starting this week or next for many kids...I'm almost certain there's going to be a spike in questions as the kids adjust to the new year and good news and disappointments to share about the accomodations that may or may not happen.